Terms and Conditions
January 9, 2025 2025-01-09 18:02Terms and Conditions
- Included in the rules and regulations of Whitestone under this agreement
- I hereby undertake to acquaint myself, abide by and comply with all the rules, regulations, policies and procedures of Whitestone as amended from time to time.
- I agree that Whitestone, through its normal governance bodies, may amend any rule, regulation, policy or procedure and that I shall be bound to any such amendment as soon as it may take effect.
- I agree that a change to my regulated curriculum (subjects) may only be effected by application to and with the approval of the Administration Office of Whitestone and any such change must be effected in accordance with the prescribed procedure and within the appointed period. In all such cases fees payable will be that of the program to which I transfer and such fees will be payable in the same time frame as that pertaining to the course initially registered for but later transferred from. I will be required to pay an administration fee to effect the transfer. It will also be my responsibility to acquire all necessary books and requirements of the course to which I transfer.
- I agree to update Whitestone of any changes to my personal details.
- Certificates and documents of entrance
- I agree that Whitestone has the right to cancel my registration if I provide incorrect information or documentation in an application for admission and registration (including but not limited to the official certificate in respect of my Whitestone admission, any previous study record, and certificate of conduct) or if I fail to provide material information or documentation.
- Tuition fees
- I/we, the undersigned, hereby assume absolute responsibility for the payment of any fees that may fall due as a result of my studies at Whitestone on the appointed due dates as determined by Whitestone from time to time.
- The terms of payment of Whitestone are as follows:
- The registration fee is payable upon registration.
- The balance of the course fee is payable either in a once-off payment together with registration, alternatively in monthly installments payable in advance on the 1st day of each month commencing on the first month of the program for which I have registered. I acknowledge that I am liable for payment of the balance of the course fee as per the payment option selection in section C above. I acknowledge that fees schedule as per section C are guidelines and my total fees is depended on the duration and the number of subjects chosen by me.
- I acknowledge that late registration, non-attendance or absenteeism does not exonerate me from paying the total course fee or monthly installments.
- All fees must be paid in full before the applicant/student will be permitted to sit for the final examinations.
- All fees are payable into Whitestone’s bank account, the details of which will be provided to the applicant/student upon request.
- The student number is to be used as reference on all payments and a copy of the deposit slip/proof of payment is to be faxed or emailed to the Accounts department, alternately the relevant office at the Campus. It is the applicant/student’s, alternatively his/her parent/guardian/next-of-kin/spouse’s responsibility to ensure that the Accounts department obtains proof of payment.
- Fees can be made in the following ways:
- Cheque (all cheque are to be made payable to Whitestone College (Pty) Ltd)
- Electronic funds transfer (EFT)
- Cash deposit
- Every signatory to this agreement hereby consents to and authorises Whitestone to enquire about creditworthiness from credit bureaus and to publish any event of non-payment to credit bureaus.
- I confirm that, in the event of my failure to pay any amount due by or demanded of me on the due date, all outstanding fees owing to Whitestone at that point shall become due and payable in one sum with immediate effect.
- I agree that the nature and amount of my indebtedness to Whitestone shall at any time be proven by a written certificate purporting to be signed by or on behalf of the Whitestone or its duly authorised representative whose authority need not be proved, acting reasonably and in good faith, and this certificate shall constitute prima facie proof of the contents thereof and of the amount of my indebtedness and the fact that such an amount is due and payable in any legal proceedings against me.
- In respect of students not fulfilling their financial obligations on time and as prescribed, Whitestone retains the right:
- not to allow the student to sit for the final examinations;
- to withhold students’ examination results or diplomas/degrees;
- to cancel students’ registration after the specified dates and to hold them liable for payment of the outstanding amounts as agreed upon and signed in the special arrangement made with Whitestone;
- not to allow students to register if the previous year’s fees have not been paid in full;
- not to issue a certificate of conduct; and
- to institute legal action against students, who will be liable for all Whitestone’s legal costs.
- Refunds
- All money paid in respect of registration fees, books, student cards and uniform is strictly non-refundable.
- School fees refund will only be entertained according to Whitestone’s Refund Policy which will be available to the applicant/student at registration or any time thereafter upon request or can be accessed online.
- Cancellation of registration
- The applicant/student has the right to cancel this registration within 14 working days of registration in which event, notwithstanding the provisions of clause 4 above, the registration fee will be non-refundable but school fees paid in advance will be refunded in full.
- Should the applicant/student cancel their registration more than 14 working days after registration, the full course fee will become immediately due and payable.
- All cancellations must be done in writing and forwarded to the relevant campus manager and Accounts department.
- Examination and assessment fees
- I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to ensure that I pay any required examination fees stipulated by Whitestone before being registered for examinations and failure to pay such examination fees will result in me not being registered for examinations.
- I undertake to complete separate examination forms for all examinations.
- I also agree to pay the examination fee. This fee is currently R250.00 per subject, however, I acknowledge that the same is subject to change from time to time and I undertake to pay this fee, irrespective of the cost thereof.
- The due date for the payment of examination fees is communicated via sms, notice boards, college calendar, websites of facebook posts.
- I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to acquaint myself thereof.
- Late enrolment, absenteeism and graduations
- I acknowledge that I shall be solely responsibility for the consequences of late enrolment or late payment of the required fees on my part.
- I agree that incomplete work, absenteeism or non-submission of PoE will result in non-certification.
- I agree to pay total course fee regardless of my late registration, absenteesm or not sitting for examinations.
- Code of conduct
- It is a condition of enrolment that applicants/students agree to abide by Whitestone code of conduct.
- Applicants/students must approach the campus Administrator/Lecturers in case of any uncertainties.
- Applicants/students are not permitted to eat and drink in the computer room.
- Smoking is not permitted on the college premises.
- The consumption of alcohol and/or drugs on campus is strictly prohibited.
- The applicant/student shall be liable for any damage to Whitestone property as a result of the applicants/student’s willful conduct or negligence.
- Applicants/students are prohibited from engaging in any acts of violence, the threat of violence, and from carrying weapons on campus.
- Applicants/students shall accept the results of Whitestone examinations as final, subject to standard remark procedure. Applicants/students may however appeal according to the Whitestone’s Appeals procedure.
- Applicants/students irrevocably authorise Whitestone to use his/her photos or results for publicity and marketing purposes.
- Amendment to this agreement
- I acknowledge that, unless expressly changed in writing, all the terms of this agreement shall remain in force and shall stand for as long as I am a registered student of Whitestone, irrespective of whether or not my studies may be suspended.
- I declare that no amendment or change to this agreement, including this clause, shall be valid unless it has been duly authorised in writing by either Whitestone or its duly authorised representative.
- Access to information
- Whitestone may make use of my personal information (including my surname and first name, identity number, passport number, face image and fingerprints, as well as my cellphone number) for academic, administrative and support purposes.
- Details relating to my academic performance, may be used in the interest of my own academic development and support which includes communication with my parent/s, guardian and/or bursary sponsor.
- My name, address and phone number may be made available to potential employers for a possible employment opportunity or to such other persons as may be indicated if Whitestone is compelled by law to adhere to the request (e.g. national learner record database as required by the Department of Higher Education).
- Every signatory hereby authorises Whitestone to collect all of the personal data supplied by them to Whitestone respectively for research, statistical, credit control and publication purposes, to retain such data and to process the data for the aforestated purposes of Whitestone and to publish such data and make this data available to third parties. Without detracting from the generality of the aforegoing, the applicant/student irrevocably authorises Whitestone to account, communicate and report to the spouse, parents or legal guardians of the applicant/student and any person or body responsible for the payment of the tuition and other fees or who has awarded a bursary to the applicant/student to pay in part or in full for the studies and other expenses of the applicant/student regarding the academic and general progress of the applicant/student and in respect of any monies due to Whitestone and to communicate to all of the aforesaid and any prospective employer all personal data required by such a third party. In general, each signatory agrees to the publication of personal information in any format to such third parties as Whitestone may deem necessary or may be required to do in the conduct of its responsibilities. All signatories to this agreement agree and acknowledge that my/our consent extended to Whitestone to disseminate personal information is irrevocable.
- Cession of intellectual property rights
- I hereby cede to Whitestone any existing, future or contingent copyright or any other intellectual property right that may arise from any incomplete or completed work, including, without limitation, any paper, article, assignment, dissertation, thesis or minor-dissertation, that may in any way whatsoever have originated or originate from any study or research project I may have undertaken or have launched or may undertake or launch at Whitestone, irrespective of whether such work has been or may be accepted for examination. Intellectual property rights will also be applicable to any existing, future or contingent copyright or intellectual property rights that may arise from computer software or patent rights, patentable invention or registrable model program that has originated or may originate from any study or research project whatsoever that I have undertaken or have launched or that I may undertake or launch at Whitestone.
- General terms
- declare that this agreement which has been completed and duly signed is applicable to my total period of study at Whitestone;
- declare that I have acquainted myself with, and in the future will keep myself acquainted with, the contents of Whitestone’s policies, academic and financial rules and regulations pertaining to study at Whitestone;
- declare that, in the event of my being under-aged, this agreement is concluded with the privity consent and assistance of my parents and/or guardian;
- declare that should it be deemed necessary by Whitestone (as a result of this agreement) to institute legal proceedings against me, and should I be unsuccessful in such legal proceedings, I shall be liable for the legal costs according to the attorney and own client scale of fees and collection commission;
- accept the jurisdiction of the magistrate’s court in the event of any action or claim for damages being instituted or brought against me, irrespective of the extent of the action or the measure of damages;
- consent to an emolument attachment order if Whitestone should succeed in any legal action to claim or recover any monies from me;
- declare that in accordance with the rules, regulations, policies and procedures of Whitestone, I will give written notification to the Administration Office in the event that I should decide:
- to change my course of study or curriculum;
- to terminate my studies in part or in their entirety;
- not to pursue a particular program of study for which I have registered.
- Domicilium citandi et executandi (physical address for official notices)
- I/we, the undersigned, hereby appoint as our domicilium citandi et executandi for all purposes in terms of this agreement, including the service of legal process, the address set in sections A1 to A4 above. I hereby elect, for the purpose of serving all process documents and any other notices pertaining to my studies or research at Whitestone, the address entitled “Domicilium citandi et executandi (physical address)”, as aforestated.
- Surety / Parent / Guardian / Spouse
- Each signatory (hereinafter referred to as the “surety/ies”) to this agreement, other than the applicant/student, hereby bind/s myself/ ourselves as surety/sureties and co-principal debtor/s jointly and severally for and with the applicant/student (the principal debtor) in solidum in favour of Whitestone for the payment of all debts and due fulfilment of all obligations of whatever nature and however arising which the applicant/student may now or hereafter owe to Whitestone.
- Each Surety/Parent/Guardian/Spouse that signs this agreement consents to the collection and processing of their personal information for the administrative purposes of the applicant to this agreement.
Indemnity and Undertaking
Exemption and indemnity
Applicants/students under the age of 18 years old must be assisted by their parent or guardian.
I, the applicant/student and (where applicable) I, the parent/guardian/next-of-kin/spouse of the applicant/student, declare and agree as follows:
- I understand and acknowledge that with a view to keeping fees affordable, there is no obligation on Whitestone to take out insurance to cover risks to which applicants/students are exposed while studying at Whitestone.
- Each signatory of this exemption and indemnity waives all rights that he/she may have or may acquire to claim compensation for loss or damage arising from the conduct of Whitestone or someone for whose conduct Whitestone is responsible.
- Each signatory of this exemption and indemnity furthermore assumes the obligation of Whitestone or person for whose conduct Whitestone is responsible in respect of such a liability.
- I understand that for purposes of the exemption and indemnity, the expression “conduct” includes omissions.
- The exemption and indemnity will not apply where the liability of Whitestone or person for whose conduct Whitestone is responsible is covered by insurance or a statutory compensation scheme (for example the third party compensation scheme relating to motor vehicle accidents). It will also not apply if the loss or damage arises from the gross negligence of Whitestone or a person acting on behalf of Whitestone.