Matric Rewrite – N3 Technical
About This Course
This course is aimed at students who want to rewrite their N3 Technical Matric on a full time or part-time basis including Saturday classes. One on one help can be arranged. Students who have never written grade 12 but wish to obtain a Senior Certificate are encouraged to contact the campus near them and get information on how they may obtain Matric certificate because you are welcome. With Whitestone College, you may register for a full qualification and get a free Matric re-write.
Getting a Technical Matric qualification is one of the path ways that can be taken in order to further your studies. The National Senior Certificate (Technical Matric) qualification can be used to further your studies. You can enroll using Technical Matric for diplomas within the relevant fields which can later lead you to study for a degree. Technical Matric qualification is also recognized for job placement where they require Matric. Universities such as Tshwane University of Technology accept Technical Matric qualifications as entry levels in studying Engineering diplomas.
- In this Matric syllabus there is no age restriction. Grade 11s are welcome.